Anissa Zucker


Head spinning like the toy top my baby niece picked up.
Is this how the mind picks up waves and radio sounds?
all distorted and contorted-
without a piece of solid ground to stand?
Perspectives ring true through my cognitive jukebox.
Only, I'm outta spare change and even if I wasn't-
would it even matter?
Certain it's out of order and probably even shattered.
Playing whatever song it feels-
no control, just on it's own beat.
In my head, there no retreat.
Like a game of tennis-
it's the double edge sword.
My refuge, my pleasure, my pain.
But what is there left to gain?
The ball bounces back and fourth
until one of us tires out.
It's manic solitary bliss,
will keep us locked in this relentless abyss.

* * *


Bravery is an iron fist harnessed by prayer shawls and placid faces.
In the sea of distraction, the oars man sets sail for another lone day.
On days when no one is watching.
No one is there to judge him.
He stands tall and suitably proud.
Bravery is a constant battle among thieves, witches and hungry vultures
but in this great land of the free, only the strong will triumph.
Only then will beauty unfold...
Truth lies in the secretion of thought..
Drifters take a back seat and relax.
Listen to the sound of an empty cup.
Feel the vibrations of a beating heart. As your wonder grows,
Beauty unfolds...
like Glenn Gould, feeling every key with precision and exuberance,
you become alive, joyous and free.
Centered for all of the world to see
what a blessing it is just to be.


Anissa Zucker currently holds two degrees & works in human service. New Britain Poets featured her in publications titled, Hard Hittin'will also Poets (Volume I, II & III) & was published in Faxton Poetry, Perspectives (Volume V & VI). Her first publication was, Fearless Expressions: A Time for Us (2011).