This is an archived page from the original website for Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature. It appears solely in its original formatting. The accompanying rights and privileges pertaining to published content between March 2007 and September 2019 (Volume 1, Issue 1 through Volume 13, Issue 3) apply to this page. For current Wordgathering content, guidelines, rights and privileges, and further information, please visit the Wordgathering site hosted by Syracuse University.
WordgatheringA Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature |
The Arts in this IssueThough Wordgathering is known for its disability poetry and other literary genres, it also is very much interested in the arts, broadly defined. These may be visual art, music, photography, film, drama, dance or other expressive forms The journal's December issue is fortunate to be represented in several of these areas. Kevin Gotkin offers a short film feature on the nature of disability, "The Rupture Sometimes." Multi-faceted author Raymond Luczak reviews the recent film The Tribe from a Deaf culture perspective. Poet Jan Napier presents visual images from Western Australia's Creative Connections project between artists with disabilities and poets. Finally, Caitlin Hernandez describes the process of writing and performing in a musical based upon her own experiences as a blind teenager.
This site is maintained by Michael Northen and Eliot Spindel. |